Dongguan Somacis Graphic PCB Co.,Ltd
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Dongguan Somacis Graphic PCB LTD (DSG):2Q2010 ANOTHER GROWTH'S RECORD Published:2010-09-13 05:46:15 Click:11242
The increasing market share on High reliability high-end rigid flex pcbs,leading the Chinese high tech QTA market,
the combination of speed,technology, yield  allowed DSG to make 2Q2010  its strongest quarter ever. 
Donguan Somacis Graphic pcb ltd reports on 2Q2010
- EBITDA 24%
- Sales +26% respect budget, +98% respect 2Q2009, +45% respect 1Q2010
- Orders +39% respect budget, +141% respect 2Q2009, +4% respect 1Q2010
© 2008 Dongguan Somacis Graphic PCB Company Limited